From The Telegraph (UK)
Traditional Chinese medicine could boost cancer treatment
An ancient 1,800 year old Chinese herbal remedy may boost the effects of cancer treatment as well as reduce its side-effects, new research suggests.
Known as Huang Qin Tang, the mix of plant extracts, roots and fruit has been used for hundreds of years to treat stomach upsets and nausea.
But now researchers have found that it not only does the same for patients on chemotherapy, it also increases the effectiveness of the treatment.
The strong drugs used in chemotherapy cause a number of toxic side effects because it kills healthy cells as well as cancerous ones.
This is particularly true in the digestive tract or intestines.
The team from Yale University found that in mice the use of the Huang Qin Tang mixture helped protect the intestine lining and helped it recover more quickly.
It also reduced inflammation and boosted the effectiveness of the chemotherapy to kill tumours.
The formula used in the experiment consists of four herbs – extract of peonies, a pretty purple flower called skullcap, together with liquorice and fruit from a buckthorn tree.
The researchers treated mice with colon and rectal cancer with chemotherapy, which shrank tumours but also caused massive destruction in the intestinal lining of the animals.
After a few days of treatment with PHY906, the medicine restored the damaged intestinal linings in the mice.
The patients lost less weight and saw more cancer cells killed.
"Chemotherapy causes great distress for millions of patients, but PHY-906 has multiple biologically active compounds which can act on multiple sources of discomfort," said Professor Yung-Chi Cheng, lead author of the study published in Science Translational Medicine.
"This combination of chemotherapy and herbs represents a marriage of Western and Eastern approaches to the treatment of cancer.
"We will continue to refine these processes to better study and understand the sophisticated nature of herbal medicines. Revisiting history may lead us to discovering future medicines."
在这项新的研究中,Yung- Chi Cheng和Wing Lam及其来自耶鲁大学医学院及一个叫做PhytoCeutica, Inc.的公司的同事使用了一个仔细制备的这种药物的实验室剂型(叫做PHY906)。他们证明,这种植物混合物的愈合效应源自于它能将小鼠中的许多生物学过程作为标靶的能力。
Cheng博士是 PhytoCeutica, Inc.的科学创办人并具有该公司的股东权益。PhytoCeutica, Inc.将传统中药研发成为治疗癌症的药物,并从耶鲁大学获得了使用PHY906的许可证。此外,这篇文章的2位作者拥有PhytoCeutica, Inc.的股票。耶鲁大学是该草药成分PHY906及将其用于化疗的专利持有者。
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